Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Mommy - I'm corn!"

Today Jackson had a Thanksgiving performance at his school. He was the cutest corn there! As usual he was nothing if not entertaining. At first he was swinging his arms all around like a mad man. Then, EXACTLY 1:55 seconds into the first song his little face goes from excited to totally OVER it! It was so funny! He grimaced. He scowled. He managed to keep in together for this song and then spends the majority of the next two he turned completely around backwards. Typical Jackson! My adorable nephew Scott in the red shirt standing beside Jackson did such a great job performing his part - I was a proud aunt and a proud mommy today.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I think he was over it because that song was so CORNY. HA!
cute video tho...he cracks me up.