Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cupcake Adventures

Jackson had mentioned a few times seeing these Dora cupcakes they make on Noggin. He wanted to try them and today was overcast and blah so I decided - why not? We ended up making a couple shopping trips to pick up everything we needed. And of course our simple plan became a little more complicated when I was online looking for directions and Jackson saw all the the cupcake ideas for his favorite Noggin characters. He couldn't contain his excitement. I limited him three choices and he wore me down to four. Half way though the (loooong) decorating process Jackson decided that he was tired and wanted to take a nap. I felt the same way! As you can see I'm not an icing expert to say the least. I didn't even get any decorating tips so I used sandwich bags with the corners cut off to apply the details. In the end it was a fun adventure and it filled our day. I took a photo of one of each of our end product. They are: Ozwald, Diego, Miss Spider, and Olivia. Hope you all found something fun to do today too :)


Your favorite sister said...

YOu did such a great job!! Ivan is constantly asking to make those! We have not done them yet as I have no cake decorating skills! (:

The Barton Family said...

wow! You are a nice mom- that looks like a lot of work!